Pilar Izquierdo Herlihy

Presence at birth
Tailor-made support
THE moment is coming. Each birth, each story is unique.
The need to feel accompanied and supported becomes a fundamental need during childbirth.
Why a doula during birth ?
The presence of a competent doula can have invaluable benefits. Some have been quantified* :
60% reduction in demand for epidurals
30% reduction in the use of painkillers
25% labor time reduction
50% decrease in caesarean section rate
40% reduction in the use of forceps
4X less likely to have a low birth weight baby
2X less likely to have a complication during childbirth
Easier to initiate breastfeeding.
And, there is so much that cannot be quantified.
I offer you my support and my presence. Welcoming your emotions, anticipating your desires and needs and responding to them as best as possible, when appropriate. Empowering your partner so that he/she can best support you and to be discreetly by your side during the intimate process of childbirth.
I also use tools and approaches like hypnosis, yoga, rebozo, the knowledge of the Quantic Birth Approach®, Spinning Babies®, Bonapace techniques®, among other tools, to relieve sensations and preserve your bubble of intimacy and trust.
All of this in cooperation with the medical team you have chosen.
My presence at birth is often a continuation of the support I offer during pregnancy. It can also be done for the birth only. In any case, having met at least twice before the birth is important so that we can build a relationship of trust and get to know each other better for D-Day.
*The Doula Book How a Trainer Labor Companion Can Help You Have a Shorter, Easier and Healthier Birth Second edition- by Marshall, Phyllis Klaus and John Kennell (Perseus Press, 2002).